The multidisciplinary ambition of this project has brought together researchers involved in a wide range of disciplines: human virology, animal virology, evolutionary biology, phylogenetics, zoology, ecology, epidemiology, and immunology. Such a team of specialists guarantees the feasibility through the acquisition of samples relevant to the interpretation of epidemiological and phylogenetic results. The current urgency as well as the innovative quality of the EPICOREM project will prove attractive to French experts on coronaviruses, and other experts in wildlife, and enable complex cross-referencing and data verification within the consortium established.

Ce projet multidisciplinaire rassemble des chercheurs impliqués dans un large éventail de disciplines: la virologie humaine, la virologie animale, la biologie de l’évolution, la systématique, la phylogénie, la zoologie, l’écologie, l’épidémiologie et l’immunologie. La diversité de spécialités composant de ce consortium garantit la faisabilité du projet grâce à l’acquisition d’échantillons pertinents pour l’interprétation des résultats épidémiologiques et phylogénétiques. L’urgence actuelle ainsi que les qualités innovantes du projet EPICOREM bénéficieront aux experts des coronavirus, ainsi qu’aux experts de la faune sauvage, et permettront des cross-référencements complexes et la vérification des données au sein du consortium établi.

Université de Caen Normandie

Partner 1 is a research unit of the University of Caen-Normandie (EA4655, U2RM, Research Unit in Microbial Risk). This research unit includes 3 research teams, which two are dedicated to ... Read More

Institut Pasteur

Partner 3: Institut Pasteur, unité d'expertise et de recherche ERI (Environnement et Risques Infectieux), Laboratory for Urgent Response to Biological Threats - Cellule d'Intervention Biologique d'Urgence (CIBU). La mission première ... Read More

Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire d’Alfort / INRA / ANSES

This partner is a joint laboratory between the INRA institute, the French agency for food, environmental health and safety and the national veterinary school of Alfort. The laboratory, headed by ... Read More

Zoopole – Agence Nationale Sécurité Environnementale et Sanitaire

Anses (the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety), Ploufragan-Plouzané laboratory develops research to improve the health and welfare of poultry, rabbit, pig and farmed fish, as ... Read More

ANSES de Nancy – Laboratoire Faune Sauvage

Partner 4 belongs to the French agency for food, environmental and occupational health safety (Anses) which was created in 2010, from the association of two former agencies, the French food ... Read More

UMR IHAP (École Nationale Vétérinaire de Toulouse & INRA)

  The "host pathogen interactions" (IHAP) Unit, Joint Research Unit between INRA and the National Veterinary School of Toulouse (ENVT) generates knowledge on the interactions between pathogens and their hosts. ... Read More