MERIADEG LE GOUIL a une formation universitaire en écologie, en génétique des populations, science de l’évolution, systématique et phylogénétique, avec un intérêt particulier pour la coevolution hôte-parasite qui l’a naturellement mené vers une vision intégrative et interdisciplinaire de la virologie. Après une thèse de doctorat et des post-doctorats menés entre le Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle, l’IRD et l’Institut Pasteur, sur les origines sauvages du SARS-CoV et d’autres virus zoonotiques et émergents hébergés par les chiropteres et d’autres animaux, il a rejoint l’université de Caen et le CHU de Caen.

MERIADEG LE GOUIL has a background in ecology, population genetics, evolutionary biology, phylogenetics and systematic, with a focus on host-parasite coevolution. This brought him to adopt an integrative and interdisciplinary vision of viral ecology and evolution, in the study of processes driving viruses to emerge and of environmental impact on virus fitness. After a degree in biology of populations and ecosystems and a master of systematics, he obtained his PhD in 2009 from the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France. His PhD research focused on the origin of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) related coronaviruses in wildlife, and on zoonotic and emerging viruses infecting bats, and was hosted within the Unit “Territories and context of emergence” (french Institue for Research and Development – IRD) in Thailand in partnership with the Center for Vector and Vector-borne diseases, Bangkok, Thailand. After postdocs at Institut Pasteur, Paris, he endorsed the scientific direction of the ANR founded project EPICOREM (Eco Epidemiology of coronaviruses, from wildlife to human : Emergence threat assessment) and was recently hired by the University of Normandy and University Hospital of Caen to conduct research on coronaviruses (and other respiratory viruses) evolution in close collaboration with clinicians.

Contacts : Meriadeg Le Gouil, PhD, HDR, GRAM 2.0 – Groupe de Recherche sur l’Adaptation Microbienne / Research Group on Microbial Adaptation, EA 2656 UNICAEN / UNIROUEN, Université de Normandie
Laboratoire de Virologie, CHU de Caen, CNR ROR – Centre National de Référence pour les Virus de la Rougeole, Rubéole et Oreillons, Av. Georges Clémenceau, 14033 Caen, Cedex, tel. : 0231272554 – Fax : 0231272557, meriadeg.legouil”!a!t”
Previous Affiliation :
Pôle d’Identification Virale, Cellule d’Intervention Biologique d’Urgence / Laboratory for Urgent Response to Biological Threats, Environment and Infectious Risks Research and Expertise Unit, INSTITUT PASTEUR, 25-28 rue du docteur Roux, Paris


Curriculum Vitae


 Normandie Université / Université de Caen


Former GRAM2.0 – Grpe Rech. sur l’Adaptation Microbienne (gastrointestinal medications online)

 Phone : (33) 2 31 27 25 54 / Fax : (33) 2 31 27 25 57


Esplanade de la paix CS 14032, CAEN cedex 5



MCU-PH, University Lecturer & Hospital Practitioner.

Assistant Professor.

HDR – Habilitation (DSc)

PhD, National Museum of Natural History, Paris.

Virology, Ecology, 

Mammalogy & Systematics

Former affiliation (2009-2017):

Institut Pasteur

CIBU – Laboratory for urgent response to biological threats

ERI – Environment & Infectious Risks Research & Expertise Unit

WHO coll. Center for Arbovirus and Haemorrhagic fever

28 Rue du Docteur Roux, Paris

Cedex 15, 75724, FRANCE

Sites Web :

CV Meridaeg LE GOUIL :

Publications (h index : 19) : ResearcherID :







L’écologie et l’évolution des virus sont au cœur de ma recherche fondamentale, et plus particulièrement les mécanismes moteurs de leur diversité, leur capacité à franchir la barrière d’espèce et l’impact général de leur environnement sur leur fitness.

Mon parcours de formation pluridisciplinaire, fondé notamment sur l’écologie fondamentale, les mécanismes de spéciation, la coévolution hôte-parasite et la biologie de l’évolution m’a conduit à développer une approche intégrative combinant macro / micro-écologie, épidémiologie, biologie moléculaire, génomique comparative, méta-génomique et phylodynamique dans l’étude de l’évolution des agents pathogènes.

Intéressé très tôt (entre D.E.A et thèse de science) par le concept de santé globale (“one-health”), j’utilise les coronavirus (SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, et autres coronavirus humains ou animaux) comme modèles empiriques et expérimentaux pour détecter, caractériser et comprendre la diversité et l’émergence virale.

Les technologies de pointe telles que le NGS (Next Generation Sequencing – séquençage haut-débit) et les nanopores (séquençage de très longs fragments) permettent une exploration profonde de la complexité génétique des microbiomes et de l’étiologie de maladies orphelines ainsi que l’étude des populations virales et de leur microévolution. Ces approches sont combinées à un développement continu des protocoles de biologie moléculaire pour la purification et l’étude des acides nucléiques à partir de matrices complexes, appliqué à la découverte de micro-organismes et pathogènes (e.g. Pasivirus, un nouveau genre de Picornaviridae), à la génétique intra-hôte (e.g. MERS-CoV et Betacoronavirus groupe-frêre du SRAS-CoV et du nCoV 2019) et à l’élucidation de l’étiologie de maladies orphelines d’allure infectieuse (e.g. encéphalites, syndromes respiratoires aigus ou autres syndromes sévères).


The ecology and the evolution of coronaviruses are core subjects of my research, with a particular interest in processes driving viruses to cross species-borders and in the impact of the environment on virus fitness. My background in and interests for diversification, speciation processes and host-parasite coevolution drive my research toward an integrative approach that combines evolutionary biology concepts, multi-scale ecology and molecular biology for the study of rapidly evolving viruses, particularly in the context of viral emergence.

Drawing on this one-health concept, I use coronaviruses (SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, other human or animal coronaviruses, including those of wildlife origin) as empirical and experimental models to study the mechanisms of viral evolution driving forces in order to understand the factors promoting diseases emergence from molecular to macro-ecological scales.

My research interests benefit from the rise of new technologies such as High Throughput Sequencing (HTS) that allows a deep exploration of microbiomes genetics as well as powerful investigations on the etiology of orphan diseases and the study of viral populations and microevolution. I use these methods, jointly with the development of methods for pathogen’s nucleic acids purification and amplification from complex matrices, for viral discovery (e.g. viruses from human or animals such as the Pasivirus, a new Picornaviridae genus discovered in pig), for in-host viral genetic investigations (e.g. in-host MERS-CoV characterization and study of in-host viral populations of Betacoronavirus such as SARS-CoV and nCoV-2019 sister groups) and for orphan diseases etiology elucidation (e.g. pediatric encephalitis epidemics, acute respiratory / hemorrhagic syndromes or other severe syndromes).



ANR FLASH call COVID-19 (nord / sud) DisCoVER                         Principal Investigator

Disentangling the SARS-CoV2 Origins : Emergence & Reservoirs.                            200 k€

WHO project SARS-CoV2 EvoZoone                                        Associate Investigator, Task Leader

SARS-CoV2 Evolution, zoonotic potential. IP :E Monchatre-Leroy ANSES.  100 / 200k€

ANRS SARS-CoV2 call (nord / sud) LACOVISS                  Associate Investigator, Task Leader One-Health approach in EPidemiological Investigation of COVID-19 in Vientiane, Lao PDR.                                                                                                                 20 / 326 k€

ANR SARS-CoV2 call (sud / nord) Spillback                                                 Associate Investigator, Task Leader

Public Health impact and consequences of SARS-CoV2 introduction in animal populations in Congo. PI: Eric Leroy, IRD Montpellier.                                           20 / 150 k€

ICRAD EU call MUSECoV                                                                             Associate Investigator, Task Leader

 MUlti-Scale Eco-evolution of CoronaViruses: from surveillance toward emergence prediction. PI: Pr Sophie Le Poder, UMR ANSES/INRA/ Ecole VétérinaireMaisons Alfort.                                                                                                               90 / 290 k€

2019 : (2020-23) RIN research – DynaMic’H : Dynamics of respiratory microbiomes in humans. 

(Normandy Region / EU FEDER )             440 k€

2017 : Normandy Region Attractiveness research program, 1 year GRANT           65 k€

2014 – 2017: ANR (French National Research Agency) EPICOREM (Eco-Epidemiology of Coronaviruses, from wildlife to Human: Emergence threat assessment); 1.6 M€ project, ANR contribution :                     600 k€ Scientific co-leader and Task 3 leader: Diversity, phylogenetics, evolution and dynamics of viral quasi-species communities.

2012 – 2014: PREDEMICS EU funded project; EU contribution :      11,758 k€

Emergent viruses detection and characterization (coronaviruses, poxviruses).

2009 – 2012: ANR 08 MIEN 003 (collaboration between the Institut Pasteur Paris and the National Institute of Hygiene and Epicemiology, Hanoï, Vietnam). Acmong encephalitis in North Vietnam : virological, epidemiological, clinical, et immunological aspects of an emerging viral disease. ANR contribution :        126 k€

2005 – 2008: Carrefour International Fondation,            60 k€ 

Detection and characterization of SARS- like coronaviruses in bats and other mammals in South-East Asia, PhD project.


11/2021 – actual : MCU-PH (Maître de Conférence Universitaire – Praticien Hospitalier / University Lecturer  – Hospital practitioner : Associate professor), CHU de Caen &  Research Group on Microbial Adaptation – GRAM2.0 EA2656, Université de Caen Normandie / Normandy University. INSERM – Dynamicure Dynamique Microbienne des Infections (starting 01/01/2022).

01/2019 – actual : Chercheur associé invité dans l’UMR MIVEGEC IRD-CNRS-UM (Equipe santé, écologie & évolution / biologie et dynamique des virus zoonotiques – Eric Leroy), Institut de recherche pour le développement, Montpellier.

11/2018 – 10/2021 : AHU (Universitary Hospital Assistant – tenure track to associate professor), CHU de Caen &  Research Group on Microbial Adaptation – GRAM2.0 EA2656, Université de Caen Normandie / Normandy University.

2018: Researcher, Scientific expert for the National Reference Center for measles, mumps & rubella,  University Hospital of Caen, Research Group on Microbial Adaptation – GRAM2.0, Université de Caen Normandie / Normandy University.

2017: Contractual Researcher (post-doc), Université de Normandie EA2656, Groupe de Recherche sur l’Adaptation Microbienne GRAM2.0 – Regional attractiveness grant.

02/2015 : W.H.O expert for Ebola Virus Disease at the Center for Treatment and Care of Ebolavirus fever patients in Conakry and Macenta, in Guinea (french red cross) : Molecular diagnosis, clinical biochemistry and hematology in BSL4 facilities.

07/20142016: Researcher / assistant professor, Institut Pasteur Paris “Environment and Infectious Risks” research & expertise unit & Université de Caen Normandie (Unité « Risques microbiens »). Core mission: co-PI (with Pr.  Astrid Vabret) and work-package leader of the EPICOREM ANR project, emergence threat of coronaviruses / HTS implementation.

07/201206/2014: Post-doctoral fellow, then Assistant professor (2014), Institut Pasteur Paris, in the CIBU laboratory. Core mission: coronaviruses (SARS-CoV / MERS-CoV) and poxviruses survival in the environment, phylogenetics and HTS implementation.

07/200906/2012 : Post-doctoral fellow, Institut Pasteur Paris, in the CIBU laboratory. Core mission: In charge of the virological aspects for elucidating the etiology of pediatric encephalitis epidemics (Acmong project), collab. with the National Institute for Hygiene & Epidemiology (Hanoï, Vietnam).

2005 / 2008: PhD program (National Museum of Natural History, Paris), hosted in the IRD / CVVD laboratory at the Mahidol University Faculty of Science (Center for Vector and Vector-borne Diseases) and in the CIBU laboratory (Institut Pasteur, Paris).


  • 2018 HDR : “Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches” (Enabling to conduct research – tenure track to associate professor) in life sciences, biology and health, Université Caen Normandie, Normandie Université.

  • 04/2016: Training and formation on Animal use for scientific purposes (Study designer – UPAL1).

  • 01/2015: United Nation Basic Security in the Field (BSITF) and Advanced Security in the Field (ASITF)

  • 2005: Science PhD in Virology, Ecology, Mammalogy & Systematics. Doctoral school: Diversity of Life, Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris; Dpt. Sytematic and Evolution, UMR MNHN/CNRS 5202, OSEB (Origin Structure and Evolution of Biodiversity).

    Co-hosted by UR178 Conditions et territoires d’émergence des maladies, Institut de Recherche pour le Développement / Center for Excellence for Vector and Vector-Borne diseases, Mahidol University Bangkok, Thailand and Institut Pasteur, Paris.

    Subject : Ecological relations between viruses and bats – Coronaviruses, SARS-CoV and other viruses from Chiroptera: detection, characterization and ecology.

  • 2004: Master of science 2, Systematics & Phylogenetics (french DEA), Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris – MNHN).

    Hosted by the UMR BIPAR (Molecular Biology and Immunology of Parasites and fungi) of the Alfort National Veterinary School (ENVA). Laboratory of Pr. J. Guillot.

    Subject: Phylogeny and Co-evolution of Pneumocystis and their mammalian hosts.

  • 2003: Master of science degree, Ecosystems and Populations Biology, University Rennes 1

    Biostatistics, ecosystems and communities interaction, parasitology, modelling, adaptations to environmental conditions, eco-ethology and 4 trainning courses.

  • 2002: Biology Degree (Licence): Organisms and Populations Biology at the University of RENNES 1 Biochemistry, structure and function of the bio-molecules, genetic, cellular biology; Specialization: phylogeny, zoology, evolution, biological bases of behaviours regulation and relations between organisms and 4 trainning courses.


– Pr. Astrid VABRET, MD, PhD, Department head, Virology, Caen University Hospital. Head of National Reference Centre for measles and Paramyxoviridae, EA2656, UNICAEN / UNIROUEN, GRAM (Research Group on Microbial Adaptation), Université de Normandie. Tel: + 33 2 31 27 25 54. Fax: + 33 2 31 27 25 57.

– Dr. Noël TORDO, PhD, Directeur, Institut Pasteur de Guinée, Université Gamal Abdel Nasser – Conakry – Guinée. Cell-Guinée : +224 622921469  email: // Department Head, Antiviral Strategies Unit, WHO Collaborative Centre for Arboviruses and Viral Haemorrhagic Fevers, OIE Reference Laboratory for RVFV and CCHFV, Institut Pasteur, 25 rue du Dr. Roux, 75724 – Paris – Cedex 15, France. Tel : +33(0)140613134 – Fax : +33(0)140613421.

– Dr. Jean-Claude MANUGUERRA, VD, PhD, Cellule d’Intervention Biologique d’Urgence (CIBU), WHOCC for reference and research on Viral Hemorrhagic Fever and Arboviruses. Environment and Infectious Risks Research and Expertise Unit. Institut Pasteur, 28 rue du dr Roux, 75724 Paris c 15. Tel: +33 1 40 61 38 08. Fax:+33 1 40 61 38 07.

– Pr. Pierre-Emmanuel CECCALDI, Université Paris-Diderot, Co-head of cours de Virologie Fondamentale de l’Institut Pasteur. Epidemiology and Physiopathology of Oncogenic Viruses. CNRS UMR 3569. Institut Pasteur, 25 rue du Dr. Roux, 75724 – Paris – Cedex 15, France. Tel : +33(0)1 45 68 87 82.

Pr. Jean-Paul GONZALEZ, DM, DU. Kansas State University, Center of Excellence for Emerging & Zoonotic Animal Disease KSU Office Park, 1800 Kimball Ave,Suite 130, Manhattan, KS, 66502  Office Cell: 785 230 8388


  • Lecture & workshop leader on  Innovative approaches using unbiased Third Generation Sequencing for detection and molecular characterization of microbial communities. Barcelone University, PART II february 20-26 2020 – Conference & Workshop leader, invited.

  • Workshop and meeting on “Microbial metagenomics using Third Generation Sequencing”. Lab of Sebastien Calvignac-Spencer. Robert Koch Institute, Berlin, Germany. july 1-3 2020, invited.

  • Lecture & workshop leader – Innovative approaches using unbiased Third Generation Sequencing for detection and molecular characterization of microbial communities. Barcelone University, PART I june 11-13 2019, invited.

  • Lecture “Principles and practice of BLAST analysis” for DES de biologie médicale, BUFR Santé UNICAEN, 2019.

  • Lectures Emergence de virus et exemples impliquant les chiroptères.Master 1 Sciences du Médicament et Biologie-Santé 2018-19 – UE Ecologie de la Santé”, Université d’Angers, 1/year : 2018 – 2020.

  • Lectures “Chauves-souris et virus.Master 2 BMC – Parcours M2 QUESS et MAPES”, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, 1/year : 2017-2020.

  • Lectures and tutorials for technicians, engineers and PhDs; bioinformatics, NGS, phylogeny for members of the research group GRAM2.0 in Caen and Rouen.

  • Lectures for Master 2 degree “Master BMC 2017-18 – Parcours M2 QUESS et MAPES”, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, 4 décembre 2017. Emergence des maladies virales.

  • Lectures for Master 2 degree, “Cours de Viro Fondamentale de l’Institut Pasteur, Coronavirus – Emerging Viruses”. Institut Pasteur, Paris, 27 octobre 2017. Emergences of coronaviruses : Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome & Middle-East Respiratory Syndrome CoVs.

  • Lectures “DU de Pathologies infectieuses : de la prévention à la thérapeutique, Université Paris-Descartes”, 25 septembre 2017. Emergences : Middle-East Respiratory Syndrome-CoV et Ebolavirus.

  • Lectures, seminars at the Atelier de formation sur les virus respiratoires non grippaux en Afrique. Yaoundé, centre Pasteur du Cameroun, 17-21 avril 2017. Macro & micro-évolution de coronavirus de chiroptères.

  • Lectures, seminars and practical at Institut Pasteur of Guinea, for the “OneHealth course”: 47h, 2017.

  • Seminars in Master 2 “Virologie Fondamentale” at Institut Pasteur, Paris, France, “Emergence mechanisms of bat-borne viruses” – 15h hours per year; 2015 & 2016.

  • Lectures for Master 2 degree “Microbiology” at University of Normandy, France, “Initiation to concepts and methods of phylogenetic reconstruction” – 2h per year, 2015 – 2020.

  • Lectures for Bachelor and Master students at faculty of science Mahidol University, Thailand, “Concepts and methods of phylogeny” – 5h, 2007-2008.


  • Post-doc (3):

  • PhD (1 / including thesis comities 3):

  • Programme mixing medical study & research (1):

  • Master students (11):

  • Bachelor (BTS ou licence, 3):

Expertise and Professional Activities (Selection)

  • Member of the expert Groups for emergencies of Anses (GECU 2019-nCov Coronavirus) 03/02/2020

  • Expert (invited) 3rd International symposium on Biodiversity and Health in South-East Asia, Chiayi, Taiwan ; Nov. 15-18 2018

  • Invited expert – Onehealth ecology & virologyInternational meeting “Investigating biodiversity and health at the human / animal / environment interface in the Nagoya Protocol era”. Faculty of Vet. Tec., Kasetsart University, Bangkok – 12th-13th December, 2017.

  • Invited expert – MERS-CoV lecture at Medilasecure EU project trainning – Casablanca, Morocco (october 2016).

  • Invited expert member, virological investigations, for the Bats’ National Action Plan (SFEPM, France – 2014-2017).

  • Invited expert for the evaluation of laboratory capacities in Guinea for post-Ebola and Labnet program (Jan. 2016).

  • Invited expert – 2 days Mission for the Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN) & WHO, « Ebola strike-back » in Conakry, Guinea (April 2015).

  • Invited expert – 30 days Mission for Etablissement de Préparation et Réaction aux Urgences Sanitaires / GOARN / WHO, molecular diagnostic of Ebolavirus in Conakry and Macenta, Guinea (February 2015).

  • Invited expert – 2 days mission of expertise for WHO, « MERS-CoV, knowledge and sequencing strategies » in Lyon (10 November 2014).

  • Invited expert lecture: Coronavirinae de Chiroptères, le danger vient-il du ciel? RICAI 2012 – CNIT Paris, La Défense (21-22 November 2012).

  • Invited expert lecture: Coronavirinae : SARS-CoV / MERS-CoV actualités et évolution des Betacoronavirus. Actualités sur le MERS-CoV, séminaire Maladies Infectieuses Emergentes, UFR Med. Bichat, Paris, (June, 6th 2013).

  • Conference organisation: Symposium organiser for the XVth International Bat Research Conference, Prague (Czech Republic, 2010).

  • Invited reviewer for 5 peer reviewed journals: Journal of clinical virology, Trans Royal Society of tropical medicine and hygiene, PLoS, Infection Genetic an Evolution, Intervirology.

  • Invited reviewer for DIM One-Health funded project 2018.

  • Collaborations network : Active ongoing collaboration with more than 20 researchers from over 10 countries in Europe, America, Africa and Asia (France, French Guyana, Spain, Germany, Gaboon, Guinea, Madagascar, Morocco, Algeria, United Arab Emirates, Vietnam, Thailand, Laos, Australia …).


  1. Phylogenetics of coronaviruses in wildlife and intra-colony evolution of the SARS-CoV sister-clade Betacoronavirus in bats in western Europe. Poster communication at CNRS – Conférence Jacques Monod “Viral Evolution on the continuum mutualism – parasitism”, 21-25 oct 2019, Roscoff France.

  2. Approches innovantes de séquençage haut-débit sans a priori pour la détection et la caractérisation moléculaire des communautés microbiennes. Barcelone, juin 11-13 2019 – Workshop leader, invité.

  3. Temporal phylogeny and population genetics of a Betacoronavirus in a colony of Rhinolophus ferrumequinum : diversity, selection and adaptation in a natural setting. XXIeme Journées Francophones de Virologie, ENS, Lyon, 28 et 28 Mars 2019

  4. Evolution and recombinaison of the human coronavirus NL63 (HCoV-NL63) : An analysis including data from Normandy, France 2004 – 2017. XXIeme Journées Francophones de Virologie, Institut Pasteur, Paris, ENS, Lyon, 28 et 28 Mars 2019

  5. Wildlife coronaviruses macrodiversity & intra-colony microevolution of a Betacoronavirus in bats in the western palearctic. Meriadeg Ar Gouilh. Invited keynote lecture at 3rd International symposium on Biodiversity and Health in South-East Asia, Chiayi, Taiwan ; Nov. 15-18 2018.

  6. Wildlife coronaviruses macrodiversity & intra-colony microevolution of a Betacoronavirus in the Western Palearctic, Meriadeg Ar Gouilh, MEEGID XIV 14th International conference on molecular epidemiology and evolutionnary genetics of infectious diseases, Sitges, Spain ; 6-9 nov. 2018.

  7. Phylogenetics and recombination patterns of Human coronavirus NL63 (HCoV-NL63): An insight using data from France 2004 – 2017, Meriadeg Ar Gouilh, MEEGID XIV 14th International conference on molecular epidemiology and evolutionnary genetics of infectious diseases, Sitges, Spain ; 6-9 nov. 2018.

  8. Coronaviruses phylogenetics & intra-colony evolution of the SARS-CoV sister-clade Betacoronavirus in bats in western Palearctics. Meriadeg Ar Gouilh. Invited talk. 8th International Symposium on Emerging Viral Diseases, Wuhan, China 21-22 October 2018

  9. Phylogénie des coronavirus et évolution intra-colonie d’un Betacoronavirus groupe-frêre du SARS-CoV détecté en France. XXeme Journées Francophones de Virologie, Institut Pasteur, Paris, 22 et 23 Mars 2018

  1. Emergence de virus et exemples impliquant les chiroptères. M. Ar Gouilh. Université d’Angers – Masters 1 Sciences du Médicament et Biologie-Santé – UE Ecologie de la Santé, 15 mars 2018.

  2. Macro & micro-evolution of coronaviruses in bats and emergence potentialities of a betacoronavirus in the Western Palearctic. Meriadeg Ar Gouilh / EPICOREM CONSORTIUM. Invited talk at International meeting “Investigating biodiversity and health at the human / animal / environment interface in the Nagoya Protocol era”. Faculty of Vet. Tec., Kasetsart University, Bangkok – 12th-13th December, 2017.

  3. Chauves-souris et virus. M. Ar Gouilh. Université Pierre et Marie Curie – Master BMC 2017-18 – Parcours M2 QUESS et MAPES, 4 december 2017.

  4. Emergence des maladies virales. M. Ar Gouilh. Université Pierre et Marie Curie – Master BMC 2017-18 – Parcours M2 QUESS et MAPES, 4 décembre 2017.

  5. Detection, characterization and evolutionary studies of emerging viruses : from wildlife & human. M. Ar Gouilh & EPICOREM CONSORTIUM, Invited conference at Universitat de Barcelona, 27 nov. 2017.

  6. Emergences of coronaviruses : Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome & Middle-East Respiratory Syndrome CoVs. M. Ar Gouilh. Cours de Viro Fondamentale de l’Institut Pasteur, Coronavirus – Emerging Viruses. Institut Pasteur, Paris, 27 octobre 2017.

  7. Macro & micro-evolution of coronaviruses in bats and emergence potentialities of a betacoronavirus in the western palearctic. M. Ar Gouilh, S. Puechmaille, L. Diancourt, A. Kwaziborski, M. Vandenbogaert, V. Caro, J. Serra, A. Vabret, J.-C. Manuguerra & the EPICOREM CONSORTIUM. 8th European Meeting on Viral Zoonoses, Saint-Raphaël, France, 22-25 octobre 2017.

  8. Emergences : Middle-East Respiratory Syndrome-CoV et Ebolavirus. M. Ar Gouilh DU de Pathologies infectieuses : de la prévention à la thérapeutique, Université Paris-Descartes, 25 septembre 2017.

  9. Macro/micro-evolution of coronaviruses in bats and emergence potentialities of a Betacoronavirus in the Western Palearctic. Meriadeg Ar Gouilh, Sebastien Puechmaille, Laure Diancourt, Aurélia Kwasiborski, Mathias Vandenbogaert, Valérie Caro, Jordi Serra, Astrid Vabret, Jean-Claude Manuguerra & EPICOREM consortium. Nidovirales XIV international meeting, Kansas-city, USA, 3-10 june 2017.

  10. Macro & micro-évolution de coronavirus de chiroptères. M. Ar Gouilh, A. Vabret & EPICOREM Consortium. Atelier de formation sur les virus respiratoires non grippaux en Afrique. Yaoundé, centre Pasteur du Cameroun, 17-21 avril 2017.

  11. Macro et microevolution des coronavirus de chiroptères et potentialités d’émergence des Betacoronavirus du clade du SARS-CoV du Paléarctique occidental. M. Ar Gouilh, S. Puechmaille, L. Diancourt, A. Kwasiborski, M. Vandenbogaert, V. Caro, J. Serra, A. Vabret and J.-C. Manuguerra. EPICOREM Consortium. XIXemes Journées Francophones de Virologie. Institut Pasteur Paris, 30-31 march 2017.

  12. Chiroptera & Virus, examples with coronaviruses and other emerging viruses. Meriadeg Ar Gouilh (EPICOREM CONSORTIUM.) Premier cours OneHealth de l’Institut Pasteur de Guinée, Ecole vétérinaire de Dalaba, 15 – 25 mars 2017.

  13. Bat coronaviruses in france and western palearctic : after mers and sars, are there other candidates to emergence? M. Ar Gouilh, S. Puechmaille, M. Aldighieri, L. Diancourt, J.M. Thiberge, C. Batéjat, V. Caro, J. Serra, A. Vabret, & J.-C. Manuguerra. EPICOREM Consortium. 6th European Congress of virology. Hamburg Germany, 19-22 october 2016.

  14. Bat coronaviruses in France and western palearctic : after MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV, are there other candidates to emergence? M. Ar Gouilh, S. Puechmaille, L. Diancourt, M. Vandenbogaert, V. Caro, J. Serra, A. Vabret and J.-C. Manuguerra. EPICOREM Consortium. Molecular Evolution and Genetics of Infectious Diseases conference. Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp, Belgium, 10-13 May 2016.

  15. Bats diversity in France and bat coronaviruses in western Palearctic : are there candidates to emergence? M. Ar Gouilh, A. Vabret and J.-C. Manuguerra. EPICOREM Consortium. Séminaire espèces protégées (protected species), Le Bouchet, Meung – sur – Loire – 11,12 janvier 2016.

  16. Coronavirus de faune sauvage: Y at-il un candidat à l’émergence chez les chauves-souris de l’Ouest de l’Ancien Monde? M. Ar Gouilh, S. Puechmaille, M. Aldighieri, L. Diancourt, J.M. Thiberge, C. Batéjat, V. Caro, J. Serra, A. Vabret, & J.-C. Manuguerra. EPICOREM Consortium. Journées Francophones de Virologie. Institut Pasteur Paris, 9-10 mars 2015.

  17. Enteroviruses associated with pediatric encephalitis outbreaks during litchi harvesting in northern Vietnam. M. Ar Gouilh; N. Phan Thi, L. Do Phuong, J. Paireau, J. Cheval, D. Ngu, C. Hebert,H.T. Nguyen, T.H. Nguyen, O. Lortholary, A. Burguière, J.C. Manuguerra, A. Fontanet, and M. Eloit. Scientific Symposium of the Institut Pasteur International Network, Paris September 10th – 13th 2014.

  18. Survie du SARS-CoV dans le guano de Rhinolophus ferrumequinum. M. Ar Gouilh, J.-C. Manuguerra. Rencontres Nationales Chiroptères – Société d’Etude et de Protection des Mammifères, March, 16th 2014.

  19. Unbiased Hight Throughput Sequencing of MERS-CoV samples. M. Ar Gouilh, V. Caro J.C. Manuguerra. MERS-CoV exp. WHO meeting – Lyon, France, June, 10th – 11th, 2014.

  20. MERS-CoV genomes deep sequenced directly from clinical specimens originating from patients involved in a nosocomial transmission event. M. Ar Gouilh, J.M. Thiberge, L. Diancourt, M. Vandenbogaert, S. Vanderwerf, V. Enouf, J.-C. Manuguerra, V. Caro. XIIIth International Nidovirus Symposium. Salamanca, Spain, 1st – 6th June 2014.

  21. Coronavirus du MERS impliqué dans un cas de transmission nosocomiale en France: Séquençage haut débit sur prélèvements et analyse phylogénétique des souches. M. Ar Gouilh, J.M. Thiberge, L. Diancourt, M. Vandenbogaert, S. Vanderwerf, V. Enouf, J.-C. Manuguerra, V. Caro.Journées Francophones de Virologie. Institut Pasteur Paris, 7 mars 2014.

  22. High Throughput Sequencing without “a priori” applied to pathogen detection and characterization in biological samples. M. Ar Gouilh, J.M. Thiberge, L. Diancourt, M. Vandenbogaert, J.-C. Manuguerra, V. Caro. Amazonian Conference on Emerging and Infectious Diseases. Institut Pasteur de Cayenne, French Guyana. September 26th to 28th 2014.

  23. Coronavirinae : SARS-CoV / MERS-CoV actualités et évolution des Betacoronavirus. M. Le Gouil. Actualités sur le MERS-CoV, séminaire Maladies infectieuses émergentes, UFR Med. Bichat, Paris, 6 juin 2013.

  24. Persistance du SARS-CoV dans le guano de chiroptère (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum). M. Le Gouil, J.-C. Manuguerra. Journées francophone de virologie, Paris, 19 avril 2013.

  25. MERS-CoV genomes deep sequenced directly from clinical specimens originating from patients involved in a nosocomial transmission event. M Ar Gouilh. International Meeting for Microbial Epidemiological Markers, Institut pasteur, Paris 4 octobre 2013.

  26. The de novo assembling of a big viral genome: the Monkeypoxvirus Soudan 2005. M. Le Gouil, M. Vandenbogaert, V. Caro, J.-C. Manuguerra. Journées assemblages, Institut pasteur, Paris 18 March 2013.

  27. SARS-Coronavirus ancestor’s foot-prints in South-East Asian bat colonies : A phylogeographic perspective. M. Le Gouil, S. Puechmaille, J.-P. Gonzalez, E. Teeling, P. Kittayapong, J.-C. Manuguerra. International Conference on Infectious Diseases, Bangkok, Thailand, 14-16 June 2012.

  28. Persistance of SARS-CoV in bat (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum) feces, implications for circulation of Coronavirinae in nature. M. Le Gouil, J.-C. Manuguerra. International Conference on Infectious Diseases, Bangkok, Thailand, 14-16 June 2012.

  29. L’emergence de pathogènes : une opportunité pour la conservation? Le cas des chiroptères. M. Le Gouil. Journées chiroptères, Société Française d’Etude et de Protection des Mammifères, Bourges, France, 4 Mars 2012.

  30. SARS-Coronavirus ancestors foot-prints in South-East Asia: bat colonies and the biodiversity refuge theory. M. Le Gouil, S. Puechmaille, J.-P. Gonzalez, E. Teeling, P. Kittayapong, J.-C. Manuguerra. International Meeting on Emerging Diseases and Surveillance, Vienna, Austria February 4-7, 2011.


PUBLICATIONS (peer-reviewed international journals)

update pending …

  1. Infection with the UK variant of SARS-CoV-2 in a group of dogs and cats with suspected myocarditis. Luca Ferasin, Matthieu Fritz, Heidi Ferasin, Pierre Becquart, Meriadeg Ar Gouilh, Vincent Legros, Eric M. Leroy. VetRecord. Sept. 2021, in press.
  2. Report of One-Year Prospective Surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 in Dogs and Cats in France with Various Exposure Risks: Confirmation of a Low Prevalence of Shedding, Detection and Complete Sequencing of an Alpha Variant in a Cat. Krafft, E.; Denolly, S.; Boson, B.; Angelloz-Pessey, S.; Levaltier, S.; Nesi, N.; Corbet, S.; Leterrier, B.; Fritz, M.; Leroy, E.M.; Gouilh, M.A.; Cosset, F.-L.; Kodjo, A.; Legros, V. Viruses 2021, 13, 1759.
  1. First Coronavirus Active Survey in Rodents From the Canary Islands. Abir Monastiri, Natalia Martín-Carrillo, Pilar Foronda, Elena Izquierdo-Rodríguez, Carles Feliu, Marc López-Roig, Jordi Miquel, Meriadeg Ar Gouilh and Jordi Serra-Cobo. Front. Vet. Sci., 18 August 2021.
  1. Effect of Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate and Emtricitabine on nasopharyngeal SARS-CoV-2 viral load burden amongst outpatients with COVID-19: A pilot, randomized, open-label phase 2 trial. Parienti, J. J., Prazuck, T., Peyro-Saint-Paul, L., Fournier, A., Valentin, C., Brucato, S., Verdon, R., Sève, A., Colin, M., Lesne, F., Guinard, J., Ar Gouilh, M., Dina, J., Vabret, A., & Hocqueloux, L. EClinicalMedicine, 2021, 38, 100993.
  1. High Frequency of Viral Co-Detections in Acute Bronchiolitis. Hortense Petat, Vincent Gajdos, François Angoulvant, Pierre-Olivier Vidalain, Sandrine Corbet, […] Astrid Vabret, Meriadeg Ar Gouilh. Viruses, MDPI, 2021, 13 (6), pp.990. hal-03248651
  1. New detection of SARS-CoV-2 in two cats height months after COVID-19 outbreak appearance in France. Matthieu Fritz, Nicolas Nesi, Solène Denolly, Bertrand Boson, Vincent Legros, Serge G. Rosolen, Alexandra Briend-Marchal, Meriadeg Ar Gouilh, Eric M. Leroy. bioRxiv 2021.03.24.436830; doi:
  1. Misconceptions and misinformation about bats and viruses. Puechmaille, SJ ; Ar Gouilh, M ; Dechmann, D ; Fenton, B ; Geiselman, C ; Medellin, R & al , Int J Infect Dis, 2021. 
  1. Early assessment of diffusion and possible expansion of SARS-CoV-2 Lineage 20I/501Y.V1 (B.1.1.7, variant of concern 202012/01) in France, January to March 2021., Gaymard, A ; Bosetti, P ; Feri, A ; Destras, G ; Enouf, V ; Andronico, A ; M. Ar Gouilh & al , Euro Surveill, 2021, 26, 
  1. Hamster and ferret experimental infection with intranasal low dose of a single strain of SARS-CoV-2. E. Monchatre-Leroy; S. Lesellier; M. Wasniewski; E. Picard-Meyer; C. Richomme; F. Boué; S. Lacôte; S. Murri; C. Pulido; J. Vulin; F. J Salguero; M. Ar Gouilh; A. Servat; P. Marianneau. Journal of General Virology. Last revision.
  1. The roles of signaling pathways in SARS-CoV-2 infection; lessons learned from SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV. Nima Hemmat, Zahra Asadzadeh, Noora Karim Ahangar, Hajar Alemohammad, Basira Najafzadeh, Afshin Derakhshani, Amir Baghbanzadeh, Hossein Bannazadeh Baghi, Darya Javadrashid, Souzan Najafi, Meriadeg Ar Gouilh & Behzad Baradaran. Archives of Virology, volume 166, pages 675–696 Jan. 2021
  1. Healthcare associated Coronavirus Disease 2019 Among Health Care Workers in Normandy, France: A multi-center study. P. THIBON, P. BRETON, A. MOUET, A. BIDON, F. HAUPAIS, C. DARRIGAN, P. GAUTIER, T. LETOURNEUR, E. PERILLIEUX, C. SEGUINEAU, P. THIBON, L. HENRY, M. LE GOUILH, F. BORGEY, S. LE HELLO, and the ECRAN Investigation group. Infection prevention in practice. In press.
  1. High prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in pets from COVID-19+ households. M. Fritz, B. Rosolen, E. Krafft, P. Becquart, E. Elguero, O. Vratskikh, S. Denolly, B. Boson, J. Vanhomwegen, M. Ar Gouilh, A. Kodjo, C. Chirouze, S. G Rosolen, V. Legros, E. M Leroy. One Health. 2021 Jun;11:100192. doi: 10.1016/j.onehlt.2020.100192. Epub 2020 Nov 4.
  1. Fatal Measles Inclusion-Body Encephalitis in Adult with Untreated AIDS, France. Rodriguez C, Ar Gouilh M, Weiss N et al.See more. Emerging Infectious Diseases (2020) 26(9) 2231-2234 DOI: 10.3201/eid2609.200366
  1. Massive transient damage of the olfactory epithelium associated with infection of sustentacular cells by SARS-CoV-2 in golden Syrian hamsters. Bertrand Bryche, Audrey St Albin, Severine Murri, Sandra Lacôte, Coralie Pulido, Meriadeg Ar Gouilh, Sandrine Lesellier, Alexandre Servat, Marine Wasniewski, Evelyne Picard-Meyer, Elodie Monchatre-Leroy, Romain Volmer, Olivier Rampin, Ronan Le Goffic, Philippe Marianneau, and Nicolas Meunier. Brain Behav Immun. 2020 Jul 3 doi: 10.1016/j.bbi.2020.06.032 PMCID: PMC7332942. PMID: 32629042.
  1. Opinion paper: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 and domestic animals: what relation? E. Khamisse, C. Dunoyer, M. Ar Gouilh, P. Brown, F. Meurens, G. Meyer, E. Monchatre-Leroy, N. Pavio, G. Simon, and S. Le Poder. OneHealth. Published online 2020 Jun 23. doi: 10.1017/S1751731120001639. PMCID: PMC7308594. PMID: 32638677.
  1. Genetic diversity and ecology of coronaviruses hosted by cave-dwelling bats in Gabon. Gael Darren Maganga, Anaïs Pinto, Illich Manfred Mombo, Mankomra Madjitobaye, Antoine Mitte Mbeang Beyeme, Larson Boundenga, Meriadeg Ar Gouilh, Nadine N’Dilimabaka, Jan Felix Drexler, Christian Drosten & Eric Maurice Leroy. Scientific Reports. April 2020. volume 10, Article number: 7314 (2020)
  1. The risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission to pets and other wild and domestic animals strongly mandates a one-health strategy to control the COVID-19 pandemic. Eric M. Leroy, Meriadeg Ar Gouilh, and Jeanne Brugère-Picoux. One Health. 2020 Apr 13 : 100133. doi: 10.1016/j.onehlt.2020.100133
  1. Rabies in Uganda: rabies Knowledge, Attitude and Practice and molecular characterization of circulating virus strains. Michael Omodo, Meriadeg Ar Gouilh, Frank Norbert Mwiine, Anna Rose Ademun Okurut, et al. and Musa Sekamatte. BMC Infectious Diseases, 20, Article num. 200. 6 march 2020.
  1. Genetic Diversity of Dengue-4 Virus Strains Isolated from Patients During a Single Outbreak of Dengue Fever, Thailand (2011). Narong Nitatpattana, Yves Moné, Meriadeg Ar Gouilh, Kumchol Chaiyo, Yutthana Joyjinda, Supoth Ratchakum, Supaporn Wacharapluesadee, Sutee Yoksan, Thiravat Hemachudha, Francisco Veas, Tom Vincent, and Jean-Paul Gonzalez* Journal of fever, 2(1): 1009  2018
  1. Hypoglycemic toxins and enteroviruses as distinct causes of pediatric acute encephalitis-like syndrome outbreaks during litchi harvests in northern Vietnam. Meriadeg Ar Gouilh, Phan T Nga; J. Paireau; L.D. Phuong; J. Cheval; N. N Duy ; C. Hébert ; Tuan H Nguyen H ; O. Lortholary; L. Tondeur, J.C. Manuguerra; R. Barouki, J. Sander, N. Janzen; H. T Nguyen; P. T Brey, A. Fontanet, M. Eloit. Emerging Infectious Diseases.  2018
  1. SARS-CoV related Betacoronavirus and diverse Alphacoronavirus members found in western old-world. Meriadeg Ar Gouilh, Ph.D.; Sébastien Puechmaille; Laure Diancourt; Mathias Vandenbogaert; Jordi Serra-Cobo; Marc Lopez Roïg; Paul Brown; François Moutou; Valérie Caro; Astrid Vabret; Jean-Claude Manuguerra & EPICOREM CONSORTIUM. Virology 2018.
  1. A four-year survey (2011-2014) of West Nile Virus infection in humans, mosquitoes and birds including the meningoencephalitis outbreak of 2012 in Tunisia. Abir Monastiri, Badereddine Mechri, Ana Vázquez-González, Meriadeg Ar Gouilh, Mohamed Chakroun, Chawki Loussaief, Maha Mastouri, Najet Dimassi, Lamjed Boughzala, Mahjoub Aouni, and Jordi Serra-Cobo. Emerging Microbes & Infection 2018, accepted, in print [EMI2017329R].
  1. Identification of Alpha and Beta Coronavirus in Wildlife Species in France: Bats, Rodents, Rabbits, and Hedgehogs. Elodie Monchatre-Leroy , Franck Boué, Jean-Marc Boucher, Camille Renault, François Moutou, Meriadeg Ar Gouilh, and Gérald Umhang. Viruses 2017, 9(12), 364; doi:10.3390/v9120364.
  1. Genetic drift, purifying selection and vector genotype shape dengue virus intra-host genetic diversity in mosquitoes. Lequime S., Fontaine A., Ar Gouilh M., Moltini-Conclois I., Lambrechts L. PLoS Genet. 2016 Jun 15;12(6) PMID: 27304978, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1006111
  1. Comparative molecular epidemiology of two closely related coronaviruses bovine coronavirus (BCoV) and human coronavirus OC43 (HCoV-OC43) reveals different evolution pattern. Kin N, Miszczak F, EPICOREM Consortium, Vabret A, Gouilh MA. Infect Genet Evol. 2016 Jun;40:186-91. doi: 10.1016/j.meegid.2016.03.006. Epub 2016 Mar 9.
  1. First complete genome sequence of European Turkey coronavirus suggests complex recombination history related with US Turkey and guinea fowl coronaviruses. Brown PA, Touzain F, Briand FX, Ar Gouilh M, Courtillon C, Allée C, Lemaitre E, De Boisséson C, Blanchard Y, Eterradossi N. J Gen Virol. 2015 Nov 19. doi: 10.1099/jgv.0.000338.
  1. Genomic Analysis of 15 Human Coronaviruses OC43 (HCoV-OC43s) Circulating in France from 2001 to 2013 Reveals a High Intra-Specific Diversity with New Recombinant Genotypes. Kin N, Miszczak F, Lin W, Gouilh MA, Vabret A; EPICOREM Consortium. Viruses. 2015 May 7;7(5):2358-77. doi: 10.3390/v7052358.
  1. Rouxiella chamberiensis gen. nov., sp. nov., a member of the family Enterobacteriaceae isolated from parenteral nutrition bags. Le Flèche-Matéos A, Levast M, Lomprez F, Arnoux Y, Andonian C, Perraud M, Vincent V, Ar Gouilh M, Thiberge JM, Vandenbogaert M, Diancourt L, Caro V, Burguière AM, Manuguerra JC. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2015 Jun;65(Pt 6):1812-8. doi: 10.1099/ijs.0.000179. Epub 2015 Mar 6.
  1. Potential Role of Fresh Water Apple Snails on H5N1 Influenza Virus Persistence and Concentration in Nature. M. Souris, D. Gonzalez, W. Wiriyarat, K. Chumpolbanchorn, S. Khaklang, S. Ninphanomchai, W. Paungpin,S. Chaiwattanarungruengpaisan, L. Sariya, D. Selenic, M. AR Gouilh, P. Kittayapong and J.P. Gonzalez. Air and Water borne diseases. 2015, jan. 4:1.
  1. Microbial molecular markers and epidemiological surveillance in the era of high throughput sequencing: an update from the IMMEM-10 Conference. Sylvain Brisse, Carina Brehony, Teresa Conceição, Meritxell Cubero, Corinna Glasner, Meriadeg Le Gouil, Aurélie Renvoisé, Sam Sheppard, Lucy Weinert. Research in Microbiology, 2014 Jan.
  1. A member of a new Picornaviridae genus is shed in pig feces. Sauvage V, Ar Gouilh M, Cheval J, Muth E, Pariente K, Burguiere A, Caro V, Manuguerra JC, Eloit M. J Virol. 2012 Sep;86(18):10036-46. doi: 10.1128/JVI.00046-12. Epub 2012 Jul 11. PMID: 22787214
  1. Human skin microbiota: high diversity of DNA viruses identified on the human skin by high throughput sequencing. Foulongne V, Sauvage V, Hebert C, Dereure O, Cheval J, Gouilh MA, Pariente K, Segondy M, Burguière A, Manuguerra JC, Caro V, Eloit M. PLoS One. 2012;7(6):e38499. Epub 2012 Jun 19. PMID: 22723863
  1. The evolution of sensory divergence in the context of limited gene flow in the bumblebee bat. Puechmaille SJ, Gouilh MA, Piyapan P, Yokubol M, Mie KM, Bates PJ, Satasook C, Nwe T, Bu SS, Mackie IJ, Petit EJ, Teeling EC. Nat Commun. 2011 Dec 6;2:573. doi: 10.1038/ncomms1582. PMID: 22146392 
  1. Human polyomavirus related to African green monkey lymphotropic polyomavirus. Sauvage V, Foulongne V, Cheval J, Ar Gouilh M, Pariente K, Dereure O, Manuguerra JC, Richardson J, Lecuit M, Burguière A, Caro V, Eloit M. Emerg Infect Dis. 2011 Aug;17(8):1364-70. PMID: 21801611 
  1. SARS-Coronavirus ancestor’s foot-prints in South-East Asian bat colonies and the refuge theory. Gouilh MA, Puechmaille SJ, Gonzalez JP, Teeling E, Kittayapong P, Manuguerra JC. Infect Genet Evol. 2011 Oct;11(7):1690-702. Epub 2011 Jul 8. PMID: 21763784 
  1. Identification of the first human gyrovirus, a virus related to chicken anemia virus. Sauvage V, Cheval J, Foulongne V, Gouilh MA, Pariente K, Manuguerra JC, Richardson J, Dereure O, Lecuit M, Burguiere A, Caro V, Eloit M. J Virol. 2011 Aug;85(15):7948-50. Epub 2011 Jun 1. PMID: 21632766 
  1. Identification of a novel neuropathogenic Theiler’s murine encephalomyelitis virus. Buckwalter MR, Nga PT, Gouilh MA, Fiette L, Bureau JF, Laird ME, Buchrieser J, Ozden S, Cheval J, Eloit M, Manuguerra JC, Gessain A, Brey PT, Fontanet A, Albert ML. J Virol. 2011 Jul;85(14):6893-905. Epub 2011 May 4. PMID: 21543488
  1. White-nose syndrome fungus (Geomyces destructans) in bat, France. Puechmaille SJ, Verdeyroux P, Fuller H, Gouilh MA, Bekaert M, Teeling EC. Emerg Infect Dis. 2010 Feb;16(2):290-3. PMID: 20113562
  1. Characterization and multiplex genotyping of 16 polymorphic microsatellite loci in the endangered bumblebee-bat, Craseonycteris thonglongyai (Chiroptera: Craseonycteridae). Puechmaille S, Yokubol M, Piyapan P, Ar Gouilh M, Khin Mie Mie, Bates P, Satasook C, Tin Nwe, Si Si Hla Bu, Mackie I and Teeling E. Conservation Genetics 2009. doi:10.1007/s10592-008-9691-1
  1. Population size, distribution, threats and conservation status of two endangered bat species: Craseonycteris thonglongyai and Hipposideros turpis. Puechmaille S, Soisook P, Yokubol M, Piyapan P, Ar Gouilh M, Khin Mie Mie, Khin Khin Kyaw, Mackie I, Bumrungsri S, Dejtaradol A, Tin Nwe, Si Si Hla Bu, Satasook C, Bates P and Teeling E. Endangered Species Research 2009. doi:10.3354/esr00157
  1. Change in Japanese encephalitis virus distribution, Thailand. Nitatpattana N, Dubot-Pérès A, Gouilh MA, Souris M, Barbazan P, Yoksan S, de Lamballerie X, Gonzalez JP. Emerg Infect Dis. 2008 Nov;14(11):1762-5. PMID: 18976565


  1. An easy, reliable and rapid SARS-CoV2 RT-LAMP based test for Point-of-Care and diagnostic lab. Ar Gouilh M. et al. 2020-09-25 MedArxiv DOI: 10.1101/2020.09.25.20200956
  1. First Complete Genome Sequence of aFrenchBovine coronavirus strain. Nathalie Kin, Pauline Guerard, Laure Diancourt, Valérie Caro, Astrid Vabret, Meriadeg Ar Gouilh. Genome Announc 5: e00319-17. 17. 2017
  1. Characterising coronaviruses.  Vabret, A., Ar Gouilh, M.; Disseminating Science, Research and Technology. The End of Epidemics. International Innovation. Issue 176. April 2015 
  1. SARS-Coronavirus ancestor’s foot-prints in Thai bat colonies and the refuge theory: A phylogeography perspective. Ar Gouilh M, Puechmaille SJ, Gonzalez JP, Teeling E, Kittayapong P, Manuguerra JC.  June 2012. International Journal of Infectious Diseases 16:e50-e51 DOI10.1016/j.ijid.2012.05.125


  1. Coronavirus humains. Astrid Vabret & Meriadeg Ar Gouilh. Chapter 38, in Traité de Virologie Médicale.  2d. Edition, 2019.
  1. Infections zoonotiques et émergences virales. Meriadeg Ar Gouilh & Fraçois Moutou. Chapter 6, in Traité de Virologie Médicale.  2d. Edition, 2019.
  1. Bat-Borne Viral Diseases. Jean Paul Gonzalez, Meriadeg Ar Gouilh, Jean-Marc Reynes and Eric Leroy. Chapter 8 in Carol J. Pierce Colfer and Eckhard Kleinau, eds. Human Health and Forests. A Global Overview of Issues, Practice and Policy.  2008.
  1. Fundamentals, domains and diffusion of disease emergence : tools and strategies for a new paradigm. Gonzalez Jean-Paul, Barbazan Philippe, …, Le Gouilh M., Leroy Eric, …, Tuntrapasarat W., Souris Marc.  In : Tibayrenc Michel (ed.). Encyclopedia of infectious diseases : modern methodologies. Hoboken : J. Wiley, 2007, p. 525-568.


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